Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: student debt

Record High American Debt Is A Recipe For Disaster! (+2K Views)

According to the just-released latest quarterly household debt and credit report by the NY Fed, Americans' debt rose to a new record high in the fourth quarter on the back of an increase in virtually every form of debt: from mortgage, to auto, student and credit card debt (although HELOCs posted a tiny decline). With interest rates on household credit rapidly rising, and with no savings to fall back on, this is a recipe for disaster.

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This Economic Recovery Is A Grand Illusion – Here Are 8 Reasons Why (+3K Views)

Is this economic recovery real? Well, if you base your observations on how far the Dow has risen since the financial crisis of 2008-2009, the answer would be a yes. However, if you do just a little cursory digging you will notice that this economic recovery is nothing but a grand illusion. The following 8 factors clearly prove that this recovery is not real.

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8 Key Dynamics Which Will Impact Us Over the Next 2-3 Years & Their Eventual Consequences (+2K Views)

Risk is inevitably mispriced when unprecedented intervention suppresses risk [and, as such, the] policies that appear to have been successful for the past four years may continue to appear successful for a year or two longer but that very success comes at a steep, and as yet unpaid, price in suppressed systemic risk, cost, and consequence. [This article identifies 8] key dynamics that will continue to play out over the next two to three years [and an] understanding of the eventual consequence of such influential trends - that risk is inevitably mispriced when unprecedented intervention suppresses risk. Words: 1299

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Housing NOT Coming Back Any Time Soon! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

"Ben Bernanke is trying like mad to stimulate credit and lending but to no avail. It's an uphill battle because of demographics, student debt, and lack of jobs. [Frankly however, given such an environment,] prospects for family formation are fundamentally very weak and overall economic fundamentals are very weak as well" [and that certainly does not bode well for housing coming back anytime soon. Let me explain.] >Michael "Mish" Shedlock< ( 650

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The Surprising Side Effects of Rising College Costs

The rising cost of college tuition translates into many students re-evaluating higher education, their future professional careers as well as other major life decisions. Find out more in our very enlightening infographic on The Surprising Side Effects of Rising College Costs.

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Comparing Housing Bubble to Rising Cost of Higher Education Suggests Another Bubble Waiting to Burst – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Getting into a good university is not an easy feat and securing a job upon graduation in the current economic climate is not easy either...The biggest challenge for most university graduates, however, is paying off their education loan [which is] hardly surprising [given that] the sum of student debt is higher than credit card debt across the United States. It may sound preposterous that some have called higher education the next big bubble so read the following infographic, which compares the higher education bubble to the housing bubble, and decide for yourself. Words: 410

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