Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: standard deviation

Should Technical Analysis Be Ignored? We Think So – Here’s Why (5K Views)

The Web is crawling with technical analysis (TA)...[and,] given its popularity, [begs the questions as to whether or not there] really is something to it. [Based on our research,] the short answer is no, not really, at least not in developed markets like the US or the UK... Furthermore, most of the popular TA indicators that are bandied around are nonsense jargon and should be ignored as useless noise. [Let us explain our position.] Words: 2143

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You CAN Time the Market If You Know How! Here’s How

Much has been written that it is impossible to time the market - that a buy and hold approach is much more rewarding - but that is simply not the case. This article provides you with the knowledge and a great charting service (free) to do just that.All you need do then is set aside the time and make the effort to apply the disciplines learned.

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What Role Do Oscillators, Standard Deviation & Mean Reversion Play In YOUR Investment Management Process? (+3K Views)

In the investment management process...[it is important to] actively monitor both short- and long-term order to manage expectations based on historical patterns...[as well as] oscillators - diagnostic tools that help us measure a security’s upward and downward price volatility - but to understand how oscillators work, though, you first need to become familiar with standard deviation and mean reversion. In this article, we do just that.

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10 Index ETFs for Building an Ideal Retirement Oriented Portfolio (+2K Views)

Constructing a portfolio for the retirement years requires one to focus on portfolio risk or uncertainty while not neglecting return. If the portfolio asset allocation plan is too conservative, the return will not meet lifestyle expectations. Inflation is again on the rise and this needs to be taken into consideration when putting together a retirement oriented portfolio. Below is a combination of index ETFs that project respectable returns while holding down portfolio volatility. Words: 455

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What Should a Prudent Gold Investor Do Now?

We are in an environment where gold bugs boldly proclaim that gold is going to the moon, and gold bears strongly protest that gold is in a bubble. At such a heated stage, this article attempts to answer the question, “What is a prudent investor to do now?” Words: 575

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