Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: SPDR Gold Trust

GLD vs. PHYS: Which Is the Best Gold Trust & Why? (+26K Views)

Some investors might not be aware that SPDR Gold Trust (GLD) does not, in ordinary circumstances, allow for the redemption of physical gold while the Sprott Physical Gold Trust (PHYS) has the unique property of allowing investors to trade in their shares for physical gold deliveries. This article takes a look at the performance, liquidity and purpose of each to determine which is best under which circumstances.

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Surprise! A Close Look at GLD Reveals What it IS and is NOT (+3K Views)

The most common misunderstandings regarding the primary gold ETF, SPDR Gold Trust (NYSE:GLD) is that it buys and sells gold. That is not the case. It is just a paper asset. It is not a way to buy gold and have someone else store your holdings for you. It is just an innovative way to “own gold.” Below I outline more of just what GLD is and is not.

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All Gold and Silver ETFs are NOT Created Equal! Here’s the Best (+4K Views)

Whole oceans of ink have been spilled detailing the good and not-so-good points of the closed-end fund CEF (Central Fund of Canada) and the twin ETF's GLD (SPDR Gold Trust) and SLV (iShares Silver Trust) funds. My goal here is to distill the salient points down to the fewest words possible to help make your due diligence task somewhat less...well...tasking. [Let's go!] Words: 650

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Soros Selling Stocks and Stacking Gold! Should We Be Buying More Gold Too?

When a major global player with direct ties to the White House, Wall Street, and the banking system starts off-loading stocks and starts stacking gold, it suggests a very serious market move is set to happen - and that is just what George Soros has done according to his latest 13-F report filing. [Should we buy more gold too?] Words: 484

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John Paulson Now Has 44% of His Hedge Fund’s Assets in Gold Stocks/ETFs! How Much Do You Have? (+2K Views)

Closely-followed billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson, who famously bet against the subprime housing market in 2007, released his 13F regulatory filing revealing that his hedge fund increased its stake in gold in the second quarter to 44% of his funds equity assets. How much do you have invested in physical gold, gold ETFs, gold mining shares and warrants?

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Gold vs. Silver: Which is the Best Investment? (+2K Views)

Is there a case for holding both gold and silver? Despite the intuitive case, the empirical evidence since SLV's inception suggests investors may not be sufficiently compensated for pairing silver with gold. [I came to that conclusion by back-testing the performance of each using a variety of analytical approaches. Read on.] Words: 645

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There is a MUCH Better Way to Own Gold Than Via ETFs and ETRs – Here’s How (+3K Views)

Late last year the Royal Canadian Mint intoduced an Exchange Traded Receipt (ETR) in another long line of paper-gold investments that are now trading on securities exchanges worldwide. It, like all of the other programs, comes with a slew of fees and risks. [Why not take personal physical possession of your gold or silver, store it in an allocated and secure non-government vault, be able to have any or all of it shipped to you immediately upon request - and for dramatically less than any ETF or ETR? Let me explain how easily it is to do just that.] Words: 1601

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Is It Time to Nibble at Gold Miner Stocks? (+2K Views)

The behavior of the stocks of the various gold miners in recent times warrants special attention. Let's take a look at the GDX:GLD ratio, the Gold Miners Bullish Index and the volatility of the currencies and stock market indices of the emerging markets where most of these mines are located and determine what they suggest as to what we could well expect in the performance of such stocks in the months ahead. Words: 585

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Investors: Focus NOW on Gold & Silver Miners – Here's Why

Millions of investors have stormed into US Treasuries. Some have even settled for negative yields on Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS). They are making a terrible mistake, [however,] because right now a handful of gold mining stocks offer much more upside and immediate yield than T-bonds. [Let me explain.] Words: 1119

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