Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: sovereign defaults

Take Note: What's Happening in Europe Could Cause MAJOR Crisis in U.S.!

Many people have been writing in to ask me, "why are you focusing on Europe so much? Who cares about Spain?" The short answer is that everyone should care about Spain. Spain could potentially take down the banking system in Europe, which would mean the US facing a Financial Crisis at least on par with 2008. That is why Europe is a HUGE deal for everyone....We're talking about systemic risk on a scale that would make 2008 look tiny in comparison. [Let me explain further.] Words: 674

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The U.S. Is At The Edge Of A Growing Deflationary Sinkhole

The U.S. caused the 1930s deflationary depression and is again the cause of the current contraction. Although similarities exist between the two, the differences between them insure a far more consequential outcome today than in the 1930s. [Indeed, the world] now finds itself on the edge of a growing deflationary sinkhole created by the sequential collapse of two large U.S. bubbles, the and U.S. real estate bubbles. Words: 1549

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