Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: risk/reward

Gold vs. Silver: Which is the Best Investment? (+2K Views)

Is there a case for holding both gold and silver? Despite the intuitive case, the empirical evidence since SLV's inception suggests investors may not be sufficiently compensated for pairing silver with gold. [I came to that conclusion by back-testing the performance of each using a variety of analytical approaches. Read on.] Words: 645

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Gold & Silver Volatility & Diversification Myths Debunked

The commercial investment industry [- from Wall Street to your personal financial advisor/planner -] is more interested in milking its clients for fees and spreading lies, deception and propaganda than in actually acting to preserve and build their clients’ wealth. In my opinion, “safe diversification” and “less volatile” strategies are nothing but pure absolute rubbish invented by and regurgitated from the mouths of such consultants. [Let me explain and show you some graphs to make my case.] Words: 1680

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