Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: mortgage deductibility

Should You Pay Your Mortgage Off Early?

...Should you pay off your mortgage early either by paying extra dollars toward your loan's principal balance or by paying off the rest of your mortgage in one giant payment if you had the opportunity to do so or are there times when not paying off your mortgage early actually makes sense? Not surprisingly, it depends on a host of factors. Here is what you should look at when determining whether paying off your mortgage early is the best choice.

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Get Ready: More Taxes/Less Tax Breaks are Coming!

The Obama administration and Congress will eventually have to agree to some watered-down measures that will enable the debt ceiling to be increased to ensure that the country’s creditors continue to be paid on time but that will only be a short-term political deal. The medium-term fiscal plans brought forward by Republicans (ready to slash spending but unwilling to consider tax increases) and by the White House (heavy reliance on sustained economic growth to reduce future deficits) currently fall well short of fiscal sustainability...[The bottom line is that] increases in taxes, combined with fundamental program redesign and a reduction in benefits, will eventually be required. Words: 744

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