Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: monetary easing

Does Behavior of “We the People” Suggest Central Bankers Have Gone Too Far? (+2K Views)

Central bankers have concluded that the scale of monetary easing they have taken over the past few years should be magnified - that more easing is required to get things rolling - but could it be that central planning has gone too far or, at least, reached its boundaries? Disposable income in real terms per person and savings rate of individuals could be reliable indicators that such is the case. Let me explain.

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Larry Edelson: "I'm Deeply Worried About the U.S. Dollar" – Here's Why

The disaster in Europe should be pushing the U.S. dollar up more than it is but it’s not, and that has me deeply worried. [I'm] worried that the next leg of the dollar’s decline may be right around the corner; worried that the loss of the dollar’s reserve-currency status could occur more quickly than even I had expected and worried that the “X&@!” may soon hit the fan, across the entire globe. [Let me explain.] Words: 600

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Relax! Gold Correction Only a Lull Before Surge to $3,000 – $5,000! Here's Why

Our forecast of much higher gold prices depends not one iota on the day-to-day ups and downs, no matter how extreme, in the yellow metal’s price. Instead, the average long-term price is entirely a function of world economic and political developments, which affect the intensity of investor interest (what we might call long-term hoarding demand) and on gold’s own supply/demand fundamentals. [Let me explain further.] Words: 500

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Nouriel Roubini: Bold and Aggressive Policy Actions Necessary to Prevent a Depression (+2K Views)

The latest economic data suggests that recession is returning to most advanced economies, with financial markets now reaching levels of stress unseen since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008. The risks of an economic and financial crisis even worse than the previous one – now involving not just the private sector, but also near-insolvent sovereigns – are significant. So, what can be done to minimize the fallout of another economic contraction and prevent a deeper depression and financial meltdown? [Below I recommend 8 ways that would do just that.] Words: 1641

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