Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: mania phase

Are We In Phase 3 – the Final Phase – of This Bull Market Yet? (+2K Views)

Are we in the third phase of a bull market? Most who will read this article will immediately say “no” but isn’t that what was always believed during the “mania” phase of every previous bull market cycle? With the current bull market now stretching into its sixth year; it seems appropriate to review the three very distinct phases of historical bull market cycles.

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Take a LOOK: U.S. Gov’t Debt Tracking of Rodrigue’s “Bubble Model” Suggests Treasury Bonds Could Be the Short of the Century (+2K Views)

The US Treasury Bond market is the longest unbroken bull market known to the financial world [thanks in large part to the Fed who is] buying up every penny of newly issued government debt. [In doing so] this issuance of debt is following the exact path of the Jean-Paul Rodrigue' "bubble model". Words: 290; Charts: 4; Tables 1

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Don't Expect New Highs In Gold This Year

Gold has been in a bull market for over a decade, posting positive returns for 11 years in a row. However, there are good reasons to believe that gold will retreat in 2012 and disappoint a lot of gold bugs. [Let me explain.] Words: 725

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