Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: Ludwig von Mises

Beware: Official U.S. Government Price for Gold is Only $42.22/ozt. (+9K Views)

The United States has seen four different gold confiscations — the last of which was in 1933. Few people realize that when the freedom to own gold was restored in 1972, the President retained the power to require us to surrender our gold which he can do again any time (probably on a Friday) with the mere stroke of a pen. That means all confiscated gold could possibly be compensated at only $42.22 per 1oz. and not at the world market price. Don’t take this decision lightly. It was another blatant warning that the government may be contemplating grand larceny — AGAIN. Words: 1740

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Unsustainable Debt-to-GDP Ratio Will Result in (Hyper)inflation (+4K Views)

Central banking makes it possible for the government to expand the money supply by any amount, at any time deemed necessary and once (hyper)inflation is publicly seen as being the lesser evil of all options available for the government meeting its debt service, it cannot be dismissed out of hand that (hyper)inflation would be the consequence of an unsustainable debt-to-GDP ratio.

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Physical Gold: The Best Way To Insure Your Wealth?

Investing is about risk and economic risk is today greater than at anytime in history whether we look at stocks, bonds or property. Fortunately, however, it is possible to insure against the risk of a banking collapse, the crash of most asset classes and the final destruction of the currency system. Here's how.

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We Have Reached the End of the Road and are Staring into the Abyss! Got Gold?

With most of the world’s major economies as well as the financial system bankrupt...most people will rely on governments and central banks to save us but how can anyone possibly believe that totally incompetent and clueless politicians and central bankers could solve the problem they created in the first place... The main objective of governments is to stay in power and thus to buy votes, therefore they are incapable of taking the right decisions and the opposition, aspiring to power, is even less suitable since they will lie through their teeth and promise the earth in order to be elected. So what is the solution? Read on! Words: 2391

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Value Investing: The Practical Application of Benjamin Graham & Warren Buffett’s Principles (+2K Views)

While the average amateur investor may be excellent in their own career field, it doesn't mean they know what to invest in, or how to pick stocks. In fact being very good at your field can give you the false sense that whatever stocks you pick or your broker picks for you must be good, because after all, you picked them and you picked your broker — and you're smart so, no doubt, those stock prices will go up. Unfortunately, the smart and talented stock-picking neophyte is not investing at all but speculating. Words: 924

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