Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: leverage

Ways to Use Leverage to Maximize Gold Returns (+3K Views)

There are many different investment vehicles one can use to invest in gold but the key aspects that we as investors and traders must always look for are the vehicles' relationship and correlation with gold prices, and how much that correlation is or isn’t leveraged to the gold price.

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Junior Gold Miners and the Magic of Leverage

All investors need to have significant protection from the economic turbulence which is certain to lie ahead of us, through purchasing gold and/or silver bullion. However, do not forget that it is the gold and silver producers which offer the greatest potential in surviving (and hopefully thriving) in these challenging times. Words: 1108

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Gold & Silver Streaming Companies Generate Greater Returns Than Any Other PM Sector! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Everyone knows that gold and silver have been on a tear over the past decade, outpacing gains in almost every other sector. Mining stocks have been hit or miss, offering incredible leverage during certain periods and under-performing the metals during other periods. However, one type of precious metals equity has been significantly outperforming both the metals and mining shares...[and that] is gold and silver streaming companies. Words: 2500

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Gold & Silver Company Warrants: Which, When, Why, and How to Buy Them (+5K Views)

With all the interest in physical gold, silver and other commodities these days, and the large/mid-cap companies who mine the metals and the juniors who are exploring for them, it begs the question: "Why has no one written about the 91% returns and the 60% leverage generated by the long-term warrants offered by a select few miners and royalty companies in 2010?" The information in this article and the links to a variety of resources will change all that and make you ready and able to reap the benefits from investing in this much misunderstood asset class. Words: 2585

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What Is the Best Hedge Against Inflation? (+3K Views)

If you are holding U.S. dollars in a savings account, CD or money-market fund, you are slowly losing what you have saved or inherited and within a few short years you could lose the bulk of what is remaining. It is being done in such a way that most people don't notice. The hidden tax of inflation has been robbing you for quite some time and the pace and severity of this theft is increasing rapidly. If I sound alarmist, it is with intention.

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