Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: KMB

Avoid Stock Market Volatility By Investing In These Stocks (+2K Views)

It would be an understatement to call the recent stock market activity turbulent. High stock price volatility makes investors anxious and some people even to become downright frightened...There is a viable antidote, however, that is capable of calming investors down by empowering them to focus on one of the least volatile markets in all of finance... Additionally, this market is predictable, consistent and produces significant levels of income. Even better, this market represents a primary source of long-term returns, and consistently rises over time. Unfortunately, this market is hardly acknowledged or recognized by most people. Therefore, this article is offered and dedicated to enlighten investors about this powerful yet often ignored market.

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Don't Fight the Fed: Buy Some of These 20 Blue Chip Stocks Instead!

The herd continues to stampede into U.S. Treasury debt of every possible maturity to, theoretically, avoid risk. Yields on AA+ 10-yr bonds can be locked in to yield 2.11% per year and you get your principal back in 10 years. [As we see it, though] the only justification for [such a meagre] return on invested capital must be tied to the belief that a return is better than nothing given the prospects of a future depression. We believe, however, that fighting the Fed and investing like a depression is coming is not the right way to position your portfolio. [Below are 20 suggestions on how to generate in excess of 2.11% returns plus strong appreciation potential with modest risk.] Words: 657

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