Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: John Williams

Brace for Impact: U.S. About to Go Off a Financial Cliff!

The kind of impact [our economy is] going to have will not be like flying into the side of a mountain. It will be the kind of crash that skids over land, clipping trees and buildings until the plane ends up wingless in a smoldering heap. I just hope the fuel tanks don’t ignite when the long rough ride is over. [Let me explain.] Words: 832

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America's Future: Growing Deficit, Shrinking Economy, Imploding Dollar and Exploding Inflation

The new [debt ceiling deal] legislation will add $2.4 trillion to the $14.3 trillion national debt in a little over a year - and we don’t even start saving money until after the debt reaches $16.7 trillion! This bill doesn’t even cut the deficit. It just slows the growth of government spending to around 8% a year! So, even if Congress cuts $2.1 trillion out of the budget over the next 10 years, we will still be running annual deficits of more than $1 trillion...[That means that in addition to a deficit that will continue to grow we can look forward to a shrinking economy, an imploding U.S. dollar and exploding inflation. Some future! Let me explain.] Words: 827

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You’re Being Deceived by the Media and Your Government: Here’s How to Become Better Informed! (+3K Views)

While most Western countries have serious debt problems none of them has a fiscal crisis as bad as that of the United States. In spite of that, however, the U.S. corporate-controlled media has been obsessively shining the spotlight on the so-called “PIIGS” of Europe rather than on the staggering financial crises facing America. If that weren't bad enough, it has become impossible to trust the few economic statistics that are "fed" us. Frankly, there is a conspiracy of silence about the truth but there are ways to become better informed. Words: 868

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Jim Sinclair: We are Way Over the Edge Already! Got Gold? (+2K Views)

I wrote a piece recently called "Could America be Pushed over the Economic Edge?" about how Libya, Japan or even covert economic warfare from America’s enemies could push the U.S. into another financial meltdown. I received a one sentence email from my friend Jim Sinclair that said, “We are way over the edge right now.” His message gave me a sinking feeling. [Let me explain.] Words: 923

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Recession Staying; Deflation Coming

The past several quarters of improving real GDP may be nothing more than an interlude in a more sustained economic downturn, with further negative quarters still ahead. Such an outcome will suppress inflation further and quite possibly lead to deflation. Words: 1986

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