Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: investment rules

The Stock Market Will NOT Rise Indefinitely So Here Are 10 Investment Rules To Live By

As the markets are propelled higher by the successive interventions of the Federal Reserve, it is hard not to think that the current rise will continue indefinitely, but the reality is that markets cycle from peaks to troughs as excesses built up during the up cycle are liquidated...This time...[will be no] different...[so what's an investor to do? Below] are 10 basic investment rules that have historically kept investors out of trouble over the long term [and hopefully will for you as well].

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10 Timeless Investment Rules to Survive This Stormy Stock Market

Rules may be meant to be broken, but with investing ignoring the rules can break you - especially now. Investment rules are tailor-made for tough times, allowing you to stick to a plan just when you need it most. Indeed, a rulebook is important in any market climate, but it tends to get tossed when stocks are soaring. That's why sage investors warn people not to confuse a bull market with brains. Here are 10 rules to survive this stormy stock market. Words: 769

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Don’t Invest in the Stock Market Without Heeding These "Rules of Trading"

I'm not going to candy coat it for you: making serious money in the stock market is a ton of hard work. It takes patience, savvy, and a certain level of market smarts - and the cold, hard truth is that if you don't have them, the big boys will drain your portfolio dry. Unfortunately, those are the three areas that most retail investors need to work on the most. Otherwise, they will simply end up in a cat-and-mouse game where they are the mice. Don't fool yourself for one second into believing that your "due diligence" can be done by watching a show or two on CNBC. It just doesn't work that way but if there is one voice from the markets that should grab your attention every time you hear it, it belongs to Dennis Gartman, founder and author of The Gartman Letter. He's sort of a guru's guru. [Here is] a glimpse into how he views and trades the markets. Words: 1061

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