Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: internet security

Internationalize Your Internet Address – Here’s Why & How (+4K Views)

In this article I explain why you should seriously consider internationalizing your domain name, teach you some basic terms so that you can understand how to choose the jurisdiction of your domain name (as well as make sure that your personal or business information is not leaked out into the public domain) and tell you how to do it. Read on!

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Your Money Is Not Safe: Successful Cyber Attacks Against Banks & Businesses Increasing (+2K Views)

When it comes to the Internet, nobody is ever entirely safe. Every major website & company is being targeted - big banks are being hit "every minute of every day" - with sophisticated cyber attacks which have increased 42% in the past year. The amount of money being stolen is absolutely staggering. At some point it going to cause some major league problems. It is just a matter of time.

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