Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: international diversification

Internationalize Your Internet Address – Here’s Why & How (+4K Views)

In this article I explain why you should seriously consider internationalizing your domain name, teach you some basic terms so that you can understand how to choose the jurisdiction of your domain name (as well as make sure that your personal or business information is not leaked out into the public domain) and tell you how to do it. Read on!

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The West – Like Argentina – is Bankrupt! Here’s How to Protect Yourself

The warning signs are all there. The objective data tells us that most of the West is bankrupt in the same way that the objective data tells us that Argentina is bankrupt. Most of the West has borrowed far more than they’re credibly able to pay back; the U.S., France, Spain, etc. all have to borrow money just to pay interest on the money they’ve already borrowed. In light of this data, it’s imperative to make sure that you prepare. This article explains the situation further and outlines how you should go about making preparations to protect yourself.

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