Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: interest rate risk

What’s the Biggest Risk For Investors Right Now?

Institutional investors are trying to micro-manage every minor blip in the markets instead of taking steps now to prepare for any downturn by asking themselves the following questions, determining the right answers and implementing them in preparation for such an eventuality.

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Rising Interest Rates Could Plunge Financial System Into a Crisis Worse Than 2008 – Here’s Why (+4K Views)

If yields on U.S. Treasury bonds keep rising, things are going to get very messy. What we are ultimately looking at is a sell-off very similar to 2008, only this time we will have to deal with rising interest rates at the same time. The conditions for a "perfect storm" are rapidly developing, and if something is not done we could eventually have a credit crunch unlike anything that we have ever seen before in modern times. Let me explain.

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Current Distortion of Interest Rates is Unsustainable & Will Have Dire Consequences (+2K Views)

Interest rates have been manipulated to keep them extremely low in an attempt to stimulate the economy but...unless deficits are dramatically reduced.... interest rates will eventually rise and government interest expense will double or triple from the amounts being paid today. That potentially triggers a debt death spiral, where government has to borrow more than otherwise expected. It also raises the credit risk and could ratchet interest rates up again. It has happened to Greece, Portugal, Spain and other European countries already this year and could well happen in the U.S. too. Words: 595

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Current Distortion of Interest Rates is Unsustainable & Will Have Dire Consequences

Interest rates have been manipulated to keep them extremely low in an attempt to stimulate the economy but...unless deficits are dramatically reduced.... interest rates will eventually rise and government interest expense will double or triple from the amounts being paid today. That potentially triggers a debt death spiral, where government has to borrow more than otherwise expected. It also raises the credit risk and could ratchet interest rates up again. It has happened to Greece, Portugal, Spain and other European countries already this year and could well happen in the U.S. too. Words: 595

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Bonds Are NOT a Safe Place to Be – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

For those who think bonds are a safe place to be, you might want to reconsider. In addition to rising sovereign risk (yes, for the U.S. as well as other countries), there is interest rate risk....[should you not] hold it to maturity. If interest rates rise, then the value of your bond falls (Bonds can produce capital gains/losses, just like stocks.) and the possibility of interest rates rising is pretty good. Words: 530

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