Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: hedge funds

Should Technical Analysis Be Ignored? We Think So – Here’s Why (5K Views)

The Web is crawling with technical analysis (TA)...[and,] given its popularity, [begs the questions as to whether or not there] really is something to it. [Based on our research,] the short answer is no, not really, at least not in developed markets like the US or the UK... Furthermore, most of the popular TA indicators that are bandied around are nonsense jargon and should be ignored as useless noise. [Let us explain our position.] Words: 2143

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Alternative Investments: Are They For You?

Back in 2007, 65% of American adults reported investing in stocks yet in 2016, only 52% said they had money invested in equities so, where is all the money going? While there are no clear answers to this question, there are alternatives to the stock market which might be palatable to certain investors. We'll explore these asset classes and ways in which even average investors might take advantage of their opportunities.

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Pension Funds: Why $5,000 Gold May Be Too Low! (+2K Views)

You already know the basic reasons for owning gold -- currency protection, inflation hedge, store of value, calamity insurance -- many of which are becoming clichés even in mainstream articles. Throw in the supply and demand imbalance, and you've got the basic arguments for why one should hold gold for the foreseeable future. [T]here is another driver of the price, however, that escapes many gold watchers and certainly the mainstream media [a]nd I'm convinced that once this sleeping giant wakes, it could ignite the gold market like nothing we've ever seen. [Let me explain.] Words: 788

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George Soros: A Professional & Personal Profile (+2K Views)

While George Soros spent over 40 years managing funds at Soros Fund Management, racking up an incredible average annual return of 20%, he is arguably most known for the huge bets he made against the British pound in 1992. He felt that the European Exchange Rate Mechanism overvalued the pound and that the system was inherently unsustainable so he bet $10 billion on this view and reaped more than $2 billion in profits from his trades. [This article outlines his the life - both professional and personal - of this epitome of a hedge fund manager.] Words: 972

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Despite the Risks Professional Investors are Aggressively Pursuing Profits – Here’s Where (+2K Views)

A recent survey conducted by Information Management Network (IMN), global organizers of institutional finance and investment conferences, showed that, while 93.3% of respondents believe market volatility will remain the same or increase in 2012, 87% cited a consistent or increased risk appetite in the next six to 12 months with 62% investing in a variety of alternative assets. Read on for more survey findings. Words: 401

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The Long and Short of What’s Happening With Silver These Days

Something has drastically changed in the silver market. The banks that once controlled the price of silver are now closing positions at a loss. The commercial shorts have begun to bleed money – and when blood spills sharks will circle. Hedge funds and traders that never even thought of silver before will begin to squeeze the shorts. If the big banks don't quickly regain control of the silver market they may lose it forever. Words: 733

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Check Out These "Hedge Funds for The Little Guy"

You've probably heard about hedge funds, those super-secretive private pools where millionaires stash their money. Yes, sometimes they blow up. But many hedge funds have a long history of good returns in all market conditions. They do this by combining sophisticated trading techniques with long and short positions in various markets. The problem is that the best hedge funds aren't available to everyday investors in small amounts. Words: 1078

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