Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: hard assets

QE4: An Early Christmas Present For Most Investors – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

One couldn't imagine any better Christmas gift for hard assets and stocks than Ben Bernanke's surprise introduction of QE4 right on the heels of QE3. Call the duo QE7. "QE7" promises to expand the monetary base far faster than the markets had been discounting [which is great for gold] and also raises the floor under stocks. I suspect we'll close 2012 with a run at the highs, and possibly climb just short of 1,600 on the S&P 500 sometime in Q1. As for Treasury bonds, well, could this spell the end of the bond market? [Let's look at the ramifications of QE4 more closely.] Words: 516

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Peter Schiff: QEternity Has Its Limits – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

The latest round of quantitative easing (an additional $40 billion a month until conditions improve) has been dubbed as "QEternity" or "QE-Infinity" by its critics but it will end much before that. We are witnessing a massive bubble in US government debt, and we've reached the point where no one in charge believes it will ever end - an excellent contra-indicator. [Let me explain.] Words: 720

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Despite the Risks Professional Investors are Aggressively Pursuing Profits – Here’s Where (+2K Views)

A recent survey conducted by Information Management Network (IMN), global organizers of institutional finance and investment conferences, showed that, while 93.3% of respondents believe market volatility will remain the same or increase in 2012, 87% cited a consistent or increased risk appetite in the next six to 12 months with 62% investing in a variety of alternative assets. Read on for more survey findings. Words: 401

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Why An Inflationary Depression is Likely in 3 Years and How You Can Protect Yourself

Given that governments are reluctant to take their lumps now, what are the odds that they will do the right thing — outright default and debt restructuring — three years hence when the debt bubble is that much larger, the economy is in worse shape, and the pain of default and austerity is much higher than today's? The words "slim" and "none" come to mind. The world is firmly ensconced on the path to an inflationary depression. Words: 1119

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Here’s the Best Way to Protect Against Inflation AND Deflation (+2K Views)

There are very compelling arguments for both inflation and deflation. The answer will eventually depend on decisions made in Washington and how people react to those decisions. For now, let’s stop fooling ourselves and admit that we don’t know. It is a problem that has to be dealt with and there is no easy medicine. Either path will be painful, but that’s what we get for our two and a half decade debt binge. Words: 1142

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