Monday , 29 April 2024

Tag Archives: gold manipulation

Big Banks Blatantly “Harvesting” Your Money! Got Physical Gold? (+3K Views)

When prices are set by companies that can profit by manipulating or rigging them, we’re screwed. This “harvesting” of our money in ever-more-creative and hard-to-detect ways is not just stealing by reaching a hand into our pocket and taking out money, but stealing in which banks can hit a few keystrokes and magically make whatever is in our pocket worth less. This is corruption at the molecular level of the economy - space age stealing - and it’s only just coming into view.

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Noonan: How Long Will These Low Prices In Gold & Silver Continue? (+2K Views)

How long these low prices in gold and silver will continue is the ever pressing question on the minds of the gold and silver community and topic of so many articles written by the experts. While many have striven to provide an answer, and 2013 failed to match the “predictions” as to the “When?” issue, the best answer is: For as long as it takes. Here's why.

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Noonan: U.S. Debt & the Expected Movement in the Price of Gold & Silver (+2K Views)

This article is a brief overview of how the U.S. government has come to be usurped by a banking cartel that controls government, media, corporations, etc. all because of their control over the money supply in the Western world and, understandably, why they are desperate to keep their Ponzi scheme from unraveling and being jettisoned in favor of gold and silver and concludes with a look at what the charts have to say about the future movement in both gold and silver.

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Gold Setting Up To Bottom; U.S. Dollar Setting Up to Crash (+3K Views)

The next black swan is already staring us in the face. It's out of control currency debasement and it's going to be a collapse in the purchasing power of the US dollar. [After all,] does anyone seriously think that we can print trillions of dollars out of thin air for five years and not eventually have something bad happen?

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