Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: gold ETFs

With Gold Stocks Suffering So Badly Should You Sell Out or Buy In? (+2K Views)

Gold stocks are down between 20% and 30% over the past year yet, in that same timeframe, the price of the gold has risen. As a result, sentiment toward gold stocks is pitiful. Even diehard gold bugs are tired of losing money in gold stocks and have been dumping their shares in disgust. This article discusses 4 main reasons I can think of why gold stocks might be so cheap. Words: 444

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It's Time to Get "All In"! Here's Why

The last couple of weeks have offered such amazing buying opportunities that I'm now "all in" and suggest you follow suit, immediately. In 2-6 months you can thank me and send me photos of the vacation you bought with the extra money. Words: 508

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Here's Some Quality Advice on How to Navigate the Markets & Protect Your Wealth During the Next 4 Years

The U.S. has reached a Debt to GDP ratio of over 100%. Indeed, at no point in history has the U.S. had this much debt during peacetime - and the fact that we're overspending by this amount at the exact time that other countries are showing signs of shunning US Treasuries is a formula for disaster. With that in mind, it is highly likely that the U.S. will enter at the very minimum a debt crisis and quite possibly a currency crisis during the Obama administration's second term. [Such being the case,] now, more than ever, investors need to get access to high quality guidance and insights [and this article does just that] to help you navigate the markets and protect your wealth. Words: 964

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Here Are 50+ Different Ways to Invest in Gold

Given the continuation of easy money policies by the Fed and other central banks around the world, as well as the very real possibility of more turmoil in the financial space, it isn’t surprising that many investors are looking to cash in on this modern day gold rush. For these investors looking to make a play on this elusive metal, we explore below every nook and cranny of the investing world to offer 50 ways to play gold. Words: 2600

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