Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: GDX

NOW is the Time to Own Gold Stocks – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

If You Haven’t Participated in Gold’s Recent Rise – Don’t Fret – The Fun Has Only Just Begun 23 different countries are currently participating in a currency devaluation “race to the bottom” … and…as investors who seek safe harbor in hard money… we’re content to own precious metals investments until such a day arises when the currency war winner is finally announced …

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GDXJ: A Small-Cap Gold Miner ETF With Big Potential (+3K Views)

About 54% of GDXJ’s holdings are considered “small-cap” using the metric of a market cap of $200 million to $1 billion. The ETF balances this with 44% in mid-cap names (stocks with market caps of $1 billion to $5 billion). In addition, GDXJ’s country exposure should give investors some comfort. Nearly two-thirds of the assets are in Canadian companies. Australia and the U.S. also have double-digit allocations. Words: 533

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Gold Will Go To $5,000 and the Dow To Above 27,000 by 2015 (+6K Views)

Warning! The forecasts you're about to read are controversial, and many will say I have lost my mind. No problem. Many have said the same about me numerous times in the past but the forecasts I speak of today are based entirely upon my proprietary trading models that... have successfully guided me and the investors that have followed me through every twist and turn in the economy and markets... since I developed them in 1982. Words: 895

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