Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: food stamps

Food Stamps Mania – State By State (+2K Views)

In 1975, 8% of all Americans were on the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). That percentage is 15% today. Enrollment soared to 47.8 million participants in recent months, an increase of 70%. Below is an interactive graphic showing the number of SNAP recipients in each of the 50 U.S. states.

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Fact #6: America – A Super Rich Country With Supersized Hunger Pangs and Supersized Waste

Fact #6: Americans wasted enough food in 2010 to fill 91 Empire State Buildings (33.79 million tons) which was up 16% from a decade ago. The average American wastes 209 to 254 pounds of edible food each year. Meanwhile, more than 17 million American households were considered "food insecure" in 2010, meaning it was difficult to provide enough food for everyone in the family. 46 million Americans, about one in seven people, relied on food stamps.

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Americans! Where's the Outrage Regarding Your Financial Situation?

Most Americans don't understand what is happening because neither the mainstream media nor our politicians are telling them the truth. We are being told that we just need to accept our lower standard of living and most Americans seem willing to accept that reality because they keep sending most of the exact same bozos back to Washington D.C....Why are the majority of Americans not screaming to their political "representatives" that they are as mad as hell and not willing to take it any more? Words: 1270

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