Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: financial apocalypse

The 5 Stages of Collapse: Financial, Commercial, Political, Social & Cultural – Where is the U.S. Now? (26K Views)

Having given a lot of thought to both the differences and the similarities between Russia and the U.S. - the one that has collapsed already, and the one that is collapsing as I write this - I feel define five stages of collapse to serve as mental milestones as we gauge our own collapse-preparedness and see what can be done to improve it. Words: 2500

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Weiss: A Financial Apocalypse Awaits America!

I have great confidence in mankind’s ability to ultimately overcome even the most extreme of crisis but at this juncture, however, America has yet to begin that arduous process. We live an unrealistic lifestyle on borrowed money and borrowed time. [As such, we are on the brink of] a looming crisis with the power to crush the U.S. economy. Unless Washington makes a 180-degree turn, we face a catastrophe that could end our way of life as we know it. Words: 870

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McGuire: $10,000 Gold is a Distinct Possibility! Here’s Why (Almost 6K Views)

In stormy times, investors look for something solid to hang onto—something like gold. The World Bank president himself, Robert Zoellick, suggested in November that the world’s economies could use the old reliable metal to help stabilize their currencies. For these and many other reasons gold has nowhere to go but up. [Let me explain.] Words: 1465

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How To Prepare For The Coming Financial Apocalypse (+2K Views)

It is becoming increasingly apparent that the U.S. economy is heading for complete and total disaster - a financial apocalypse. State and local governments across the nation are uncontrollably bleeding red ink. The federal government has accumulated the largest debt in world history.... Incomes are down, unemployment remains at depressingly high levels and very few of our politicians seem to have any idea how to fix things. Yes, things are really, really bad. So what are some things that we can all be doing to prepare for the coming financial apocalypse? Words: 1598

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