Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: financial advisor

6 Warning Signs You Should Fire Your Financial Advisor (+4K Views)

Investors should take a long hard look at their broker/financial advisor/planner and rethink what they expect of him/her while at the same time empowering themselves to take control of their own situations. This article identifies several warning signs that it may be time to cut ties with your current broker. Words: 721

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Is It Time To Fire Your Financial Advisor? (+3K Views)

As more and more investor education and information is freely available online... investors now have an important choice to make. Should you go it alone, stick with your financial advisor, or fire him and find another, perhaps this time a fee-only planner? Words: 740

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15 Criteria for Choosing the Ideal Investment Advisor (4K Views)

An investment advisor friend of mine recently asked me to summarize for him the criteria I would use if I were looking to identify an investment advisor to work with and I came up with 15 characteristics I would look for in what for me would be an 'ideal investment advisor' which I would like to share with you. Words: 679

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Getting Lost in the Investment Maze? Get a New GPS (+2K Views)

Getting from point A to point B in the real world can be quite simple. In the investment world, the roadways are constantly shifting. Changes in interest rates, tax policies, unemployment, fiscal initiatives can represent obstacles and navigating these winding paths can require your very own GPS advice. Words: 494

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Why Use An Investment Advisor? Here’s Why

There are a number of conventional reasons why a segment of people have always resisted the urge to hire an investment advisor. Nevertheless, there comes a time in virtually everyone’s life when circumstances change at which time finding a trusted advisor may well become a priority and a rewarding proposition that leads to less stress, superior execution, or simply a safety net for your family.

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Should You Replace Your Financial Advisor With A “Robo” Advisor? Here Are the Pros & Cons (+2K Views)

In the last few years a new “advisor” has entered the fray – the robo advisor, now being called “automated investment services”. Automated investment services are platforms that automate your investment portfolio and try to help you reduce fees, increase efficiencies and streamline your process through a simple computerized interface. Here's a look at 4 primary benefits and 4 potential problems to help you decide if such a service is for you.

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How Not to Outlive Your Nest Egg (+3K Views)

Determine whether you have the time, discipline, and emotional make-up to handle your own finances. Most people think they can succeed on their own, much like the vast majority of people think they are above average drivers. The data shows a different fact pattern. An 18 year study compiled by legendary Vanguard Group founder, John Bogle has shown that the average investor gets destroyed not only by fees, taxes and transactions costs, but also more importantly due to emotional errors and lack of investing discipline. Words: 847

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