Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: FED

The Bottom Is In for Gold and Silver – Here Are the Reasons Why (+2K Views)

No one has a crystal ball and I certainly don’t claim to have one. [Nevertheless,] I strongly believe that the prices we see today in gold and silver will be looked back upon in the next few years as a great buying opportunity. The data I read and understand tells me the case for gold and silver is now a strong one...If you are conservative dollar cost average into a position for a long time now [otherwise] I am OK with a full allocation into gold and silver at this point in time...

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U.S. Economy Depends on Who Wins This Battle

Politicians foolishly believe they can bend the laws of nature. They are fools for trying. Sadly, the pain and suffering that will be incurred will be borne by the millions of citizens dependent on markets and the economy. The economy cannot recover without a complete cleansing of the excesses that have built up over the last half century plus. [This article spells out why that is the case.] Words: 710

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8 Key Dynamics Which Will Impact Us Over the Next 2-3 Years & Their Eventual Consequences (+2K Views)

Risk is inevitably mispriced when unprecedented intervention suppresses risk [and, as such, the] policies that appear to have been successful for the past four years may continue to appear successful for a year or two longer but that very success comes at a steep, and as yet unpaid, price in suppressed systemic risk, cost, and consequence. [This article identifies 8] key dynamics that will continue to play out over the next two to three years [and an] understanding of the eventual consequence of such influential trends - that risk is inevitably mispriced when unprecedented intervention suppresses risk. Words: 1299

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What is the Fed REALLY Up To?

Some argue that the Fed is inorganically manipulating free enterprise while others maintain that all the Fed is trying to do is create a balanced economy. This infographic looks at how the Fed's actions are actually impacting the economy and just what information is still being kept from us.

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Current Distortion of Interest Rates is Unsustainable & Will Have Dire Consequences (+2K Views)

Interest rates have been manipulated to keep them extremely low in an attempt to stimulate the economy but...unless deficits are dramatically reduced.... interest rates will eventually rise and government interest expense will double or triple from the amounts being paid today. That potentially triggers a debt death spiral, where government has to borrow more than otherwise expected. It also raises the credit risk and could ratchet interest rates up again. It has happened to Greece, Portugal, Spain and other European countries already this year and could well happen in the U.S. too. Words: 595

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Current Distortion of Interest Rates is Unsustainable & Will Have Dire Consequences

Interest rates have been manipulated to keep them extremely low in an attempt to stimulate the economy but...unless deficits are dramatically reduced.... interest rates will eventually rise and government interest expense will double or triple from the amounts being paid today. That potentially triggers a debt death spiral, where government has to borrow more than otherwise expected. It also raises the credit risk and could ratchet interest rates up again. It has happened to Greece, Portugal, Spain and other European countries already this year and could well happen in the U.S. too. Words: 595

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Coming "Crisis of Faith" in Fed Will Make '08 Look Like a Picnic!

The next crisis will be a Crisis of Faith pertaining to the US Federal Reserve... when the market begins to realize that the Fed CANNOT backstop the entire financial system (it never could but most people hoped regardless) - and...when this happens, THEN the REAL crisis will hit and it will make 2008 look like a picnic. Bernanke has [already] admitted publicly that he’s clueless [as to] what’s going on [and this] is a MAJOR step towards the world realizing that he’s lost control. [As such,] if you’re not taking steps now to prepare for what’s coming, you need to start moving. [The REAL crisis is coming - soon! Let me explain.] Words: 1018

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Why We Are Staring at a Startling Increase in the Price of Gold

We are staring at a startling increase in the price of gold and precious metals mining stocks and warrants. Gold will reach mind- boggling levels because the actions of our political leaders and their academic and credentialed enablers are virtually guaranteeing it with their current actions. Words: 996

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