Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: European crisis

Doomsayers' Dire Scenarios for Euro Zone Overdone – Here's Why

Predicting dire scenarios for the euro zone has become a cottage industry. Each day well-respected economists and investors explain why the collective economies of Europe are doomed - that it's only a matter of time - but I outline here 3 reasons why becoming too gloomy on Europe might be the wrong approach. Words: 600

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Doomsayers’ Dire Scenarios for Euro Zone Overdone – Here’s Why

Predicting dire scenarios for the euro zone has become a cottage industry. Each day well-respected economists and investors explain why the collective economies of Europe are doomed - that it's only a matter of time - but I outline here 3 reasons why becoming too gloomy on Europe might be the wrong approach. Words: 600

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Graham Summers: This Is What Is REALLY Happening In Europe!

I've often been labeled as "Gloom and Doom" in the past, but the situation in Europe today is beyond anything I've ever seen before. It is highly likely that the EU will not exist in their current form by the end of the year. I realize some of this may sound overly dramatic but the following should give you an idea of how serious things are getting: [Words: 715]

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"Gold is Useless!" and 6 Other Reasons To Hate Gold As An Investment (+3K Views)

Over the past few years, pretty much every investor has become familiar with gold. The shiny precious metal has surged in price and has managed to hold strong while broad indexes have slipped, highlighting its appeal as a diversification agent and safe haven investment. This has prompted many investors to ramp up their allocations to the space in order to take advantage of these favorable trends and lead their portfolios to broad gains...[but] there are a number of other issues that investors need to be aware of when considering allocating capital to the space, as there are several reasons to avoid the precious metal from an investment perspective. Below, we highlight seven reasons for why investors may want to temper their expectations for the metal and consider a more diversified approach that doesn’t include such a large allocation to the ‘barbaric relic’. Words: 2030

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