Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: European Central Bank

Funny munKNEE: What the World’s Central Bankers Are Really Up To

This article relates to a recent dinner I had with an European Central Bank [ECB] "executive" during which it was expressed/revealed (some might say, confirmed) that there is an on-going global conspiracy by Central Bankers to overthrow democracy and take over the world so to speak in what many refer to as a New World Order (NWO). My first reaction was that what he had to say was outlandish but, upon reflection, I think, in spite of the humorous circumstances surrounding the meeting, what he had to say was of considerable merit. Read on and express your own views in the Comment Section at the end of the article.

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‘Money, Money, it’s a Rich Man’s World’ – An Amusing Look At Central Bankers (+3K Views)

Dear reader, I was afforded a most extraordinary experience recently that has given me unique insight into our global financial and political systems. I intend to share my experience with you. However, I caution you, that the information I gleaned from this experience will be disturbing. What you are about to read will forever change your view of banking, politics, economics and money. Read on, if you dare.

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90% Likelihood Of Eurozone Crisis By 2020 – Here’s Why

In the very near future we will finally know the answer to the question, “Is the euro a currency or an experiment?” The changes required to answer that question will be wrenching and horrifically expensive. There are no good answers, only difficult choices about who pays how much and to whom.

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Europe’s Economic Recovery Has Run Out Of Steam! Here’s Why

Despite the European Central Bank's periodic assurances to the contrary, Europe is well on its way to a lost economic decade and if European policymakers cannot shake themselves out of their present state of complacency we should brace ourselves for very rough going in the global financial markets when the U.S. Federal Reserve starts the process of normalizing interest rates.

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George Soros: a Great Depression-like Scenario Could Very Well Play Out – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Europe is on the verge of a collapse, and unless something gets done relatively soon, (perhaps as soon as the next few weeks), Europe is likely to experience their own 2008 scenario. The U.S. and Chinese economies are heavily dependent on exporting goods to Europe, and with Eurozone growth slowing as a result of the potential default in Greece, and then on to the rest of the PIIGS, a "Great Depression-like scenario" could very well play out. [In fact,] George Soros thinks we are headed towards another Great Depression and, you know what, he's right! What do you think? Is George Soros right? Are we headed for another depression? Words: 530

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