Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: debt

10 Drastic – But Doable – Ways To Get Out Of Debt Quickly (+4K Views)

When people talk about getting their personal finances in order, they usually try to find relatively pain-free and low-cost ways to reduce debt and increase savings but this is a long-term approach which some people just cannot "afford". For them it may be worthwhile to consider taking the hard way out of debt. Let me explain.

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In Debt? Kick it to the Curb, Get Rich, and Start Living Life to the Fullest! Here’s How (+5K Views)

If you’re among those struggling with debt and just want to be rid of it and move on with your life, it can be helpful to find some information and inspiration from others who are financial experts or people working to pay off substantial amounts of debt. You’ll find all of that, and more, in these inspirational personal finance blogs that can offer you advice, motivation, and guidance in paying down your debts so you can start putting that money to other uses. Words: 1010

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Noonan on: What Is “Money”? What It Is Not! (+3K Views)

While money makes the world go around, very, very few people understand what money is and what money is not, and that is purposeful on the part of the elites and every government. This article explains why that is the case and why there is such confusion around such an understanding of the facts.

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Break the Debt Cycle & Start Living Within Your Means – Here’s How

Although the median household income in 2016 was $60,000, the average American family actually owes more than $100,000 in debt. Habitually buying more than you can afford, and juggling bills or relying on loans and credit cards...could get you to the point where it feels like you’re working simply to pay bills. No one wants to feel that way. Therefore, you need to break the debt cycle and start living within your means. Just how do you do that? There are a lot of ways you can get there, but here are a few suggestions:

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We’re Heading to the Great Reset – Prepare Now

The entire world went into debt for the equivalent of tropical vacations and, having now enjoyed them, realizes it must pay the bill. The resources to do so do not yet exist so, in the time-honored tradition of lenders everywhere, we extend and pretend - but with our ability to pretend almost gone, we’re heading to the Great Reset.

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The Average Joe’s Take On How Governments Manage Their Finances (3K Views)

This scheme of revolving credit will end badly when the pigeons come home to roost; when the piper has to be paid; when we find out that there is no such thing as a free lunch. It is just a matter of time before we become the last of society’s ‘greater fools’ and, as such, are the ones required to pay the inevitable price of achieving future economic and financial stability.

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