Sunday , 28 April 2024

Tag Archives: currency war

Stocks: Irrational Exuberance Has Returned! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

It wasn't so long ago that irrational exuberance over the housing market had seized investors' logic, and the same thing is happening to US stocks right now. Fair-weather investors are abandoning gold equities and jumping into the US market in the hopes of making an easy buck, just as people bought property near the housing peak hoping to flip it before those adjustable-rate mortgages reset... My advice: don't gamble your savings on the hope that there will be a greater fool who will come along and buy your inflated assets at even higher prices.

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The USD & U.S. Dollar Index – What Affect Are They Having On the Price of Gold?

The U.S. Dollar Index is made up of a basket of [6] currencies that are, themselves, not static and, indeed, are involved in various forms of debasement as nations have taken the view that a weaker currency will boost their exports. As each nation enacts such policies, the result is gridlock, as every action taken to weaken one's currency is neutralized by a similar action taken by the competing currencies. That is currently what is happening with the constituents of the U.S. Dollar Index and why, as such, the U.S. dollar has not weakened. [Given the fact that] gold tends to have an inverse relationship with the dollar, and has increased when the value of the dollar has declined, we could, as a result, continue to see a capping in the advance of gold prices, at least in dollar terms. [Let me explain in further detail.] Words: 804; Charts: 1

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U.S. Dollar In A Race To The Bottom With Other Currencies And The Winner Will Be Gold (+2K Views)

[What we are experiencing these days] is a race to the bottom among global currencies. Whenever any nation wants to gain a little bit more of an edge in global trade they push the value of their currency down just a little bit more so that the products and services produced by that nation will be less expensive for other nations [and, as such,] other nations will buy more of those products and services. When exports go up, employment goes up and more wealth flows into the country. Who is the winner in all of this? Well, that is easy. Gold, silver and other precious metals will continue to be the winners as fiat currencies all over the globe continue to decline in value. Words: 1430

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