Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: currency manipulation

Canada Has Devalued Its Dollar (Loonie) Again – Why? (+2K Views)

The Bank of Canada has cut its overnight rate for the second time in the last six months - to 0.5% - and the Canadian dollar has reacted as expected, [indeed, as intended,] putting the Canadian dollar at a six-year low in terms of dollars (-10.2%) and pound sterling (-10.4%). So why the rate cuts and competitive devaluation?

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These Long-Term Trends Are Destroying U.S. Economy – and America’s Way of Life! (+2K Views)

The U.S. economy is being slowly but surely destroyed and many Americans have no idea that it is happening. There are 11 long-term trends that reveal... that there are certain underlying foundational problems that are destroying the U.S. economy a little bit more every single day. They are undeniable and they are constantly getting worse. If they are not corrected (and there is no indication that they will be) they will destroy not only our economy but also our entire way of life! Words: 2520

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