Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: currency crisis

Is the First of Many Currency Crises Just Now Unfolding? Are Gold & Silver About to Take Off As a Result?

I expect the eventual endgame to this whole Keynesian monetary experiment that has been going on ever since World War II [will] finally terminate in a global currency crisis. [That being said,] I'm starting to wonder if we aren't seeing the first domino - the Japanese yen - start to topple...[It has] cut through not only the 2012 yearly cycle low, but also the 2011 yearly cycle low and never even blinked [and should it continue its steep decline] and break through the 2010 yearly cycle low [of 105.66] I think we have a serious currency crisis on our hands. Needless to say, if the world sees a major currency collapse... it's going to spark a panic for protection - to gold and silver. Wouldn't it be fitting that at a time when they are completely loathed by the market they are about to become most cherished? [This article analyzes the situation supported by 3 charts to make for a very interesting read.] Words: 620; Charts: 3

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A Full-blown International Bond & Currency Crisis is Approaching – Fast! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Over the past two months stock markets have crashed around the world and gold prices have soared as global investors decided that the U.S. has lost its race against time. A new recession is upon us before we even half-closed the output gap left open from the last recession. It means even larger deficits and an even weaker dollar. The price of gold and Treasury bonds is telling us that a full-blown international bond and currency crisis is approaching. There is no international policy mechanism available to stop the panic short of re-opening the gold window that the U.S. closed unilaterally and “temporarily” in 1971. [Let me explain.] Words: 3025

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Gold Will be the Crutch to Lean On for a While – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Regardless of what certain pundits and investors say, I believe gold will have a great run into the end of 2011. [Why?] Because I think a currency crisis is brewing worldwide, and gold will be a safe place to store value. The Euro and USD are fundamentally weak, and inflation is nearly out of control due to huge stimulus packages and low interest rates that aren't helping struggling economies. Gold should be the crutch to lean on for a while. [Let me expand on the aforementioned reasons.] Words: 675

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What Latest QE Means for the U.S. Dollar and the Future Price of Gold

The first round of QE had already guaranteed that the U.S. dollar was going to be under severe duress by next spring and Bernanke has just added insult to injury with his latest quantitative easing virtually guaranteeing that we will have a major currency crisis by next spring [and that can only mean one thing - a parabolic move upwards in the price of gold]. Words: 550

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Beware: Government Claim of Low Inflation is Just B.S.!

Our leaders in Washington are so detached from reality it begs the question, "What are they smoking?" I'm not talking about the insane amounts of spending that's going on in our capital, or even about the patently unpayable debts and promises they're making to all of us and our foreign creditors. Although I think these things, too, result from whatever drugs they're on inside the beltway I am referring the way Washington manipulates its official statistics. Words: 1107

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