Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: crypto-currencies

Digix: This New Crypto-currency Is Backed By Gold!

Gold investors have been slow and cautious to adopt crypto-currencies such as bitcoin seeing them as false competition to real money such as gold and silver. The major argument from gold bugs has been that bitcoin is not backed by anything tangible [but] that has all changed with the recent introduction of Digix - the gold standard in peer-to-peer digital assets because it is literally backed by gold.

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Bitcoin: the Ins and Outs Of Everyday Use & What the Future Holds (+3K Views)

Bitcoin is a decentralized, global, peer-to-peer, digital, online currency but, that said, most are unsure whether or not it is the future of currency and unaware of the potentially massive impacts this crypto-currency holds. The infographic below shows you the ins and outs of everyday Bitcoin use as a way to save money and provide more autonomy in your financial transactions.

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Bitcoin Is Not the Future of Money – It’s Just Wild Speculation! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

All the hype surrounding Bitcoin is a dead giveaway that you should be suspicious. Forget all the economic arguments against the currency, though. The biggest risk is a technological one. Add in the neck-snapping volatility, and you’re telling me this is the future of money? Keep dreaming! It’s little more than a wild speculation. One with a fatal flaw, at that, so please, whatever you do, refrain from converting your life savings – or any meaningful amount of money – into Bitcoins. At least until you read this article.

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Goodbye Euro, Hello Bitcoin? Will Use of New Crypto-currency Spread Across Eurozone? (+3K Views)

For weeks commentators have been discussing the possibility of Greece leaving the eurozone and how a return to the drachma might be facilitated...The drachma is not Greece's only option however....In some parts of Greece social entrepreneurship, technology, and skepticism of politicians have already given rise to alternate trading mechanisms and created an environment where a cyrpto-currency by the name of "Bitcoin" could become increasingly popular. [Let me explain.] Words: 709

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