Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: correlation

Will There Be Anywhere to Hide When the Markets Start Tanking?

According to a new study from the IMF, correlations in general are much more elevated these days than they were before the financial crisis. In other words, there are fewer places to hide in the markets when the markets start tanking. Check out their Global Financial Stability Report that's been described as "not for the faint-hearted." and the red bars in the chart below.

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Do Recent Gold & Silver Correlation/Return Comparisons With S&P 500 Refute Their Safe Haven Status?

The past few years have seen the development of the notion that GLD and SLV represent uncorrelated plays on the market, making them safe haven bets for your portfolio. Looking at historical trends (aside from 2011), [however,] one would have to go back to 2007 to find a year where these two metals weren’t highly correlated to the S&P 500. For all of 2011, both ETFs have featured low correlation, but as recent trading weeks have shown, old habits die hard, as the two ETFs have fallen back into a highly correlated trend. Let's take a look at the particulars.] Words: 672

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