Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: central banks

‘Money, Money, it’s a Rich Man’s World’ – An Amusing Look At Central Bankers (+3K Views)

Dear reader, I was afforded a most extraordinary experience recently that has given me unique insight into our global financial and political systems. I intend to share my experience with you. However, I caution you, that the information I gleaned from this experience will be disturbing. What you are about to read will forever change your view of banking, politics, economics and money. Read on, if you dare.

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How Central Bankers See the World – REALLY (+2K Views)

Believe it or not, the keynote speaker at the recent International Economic Symposium was none other than the straight talking Gustavo Laframboise-Pierre, Global Director of Statistical Creation at the European Central Bank. What he had to say goes a long way in explaining how the word ‘truth’ has become nothing more than a hollow collection of 5 letters with no meaning.

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2 Shocking Revelations from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland (+2K Views)

Before you read the following excerpt from the notional ‘conclusions’ of the 2014 WEF – the supposedly profound and brilliant summary of the thoughts of these greatest minds - I suggest you: 1.drink several espressos to help keep you awake as you read and 2.have some of your favorite remedy for an upset stomach to calm your queasy innards after you finish reading the excerpt as its leaders, in fact, have not a clue as to how to guide us through the morass that is the global economy will leave you quite dizzy.

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How Likely Is the Fed to Go Bust & What Would it Mean For YOU?

At this point, thanks to a long-standing policy of wanton money printing, the Fed has more liabilities than ever before in its history - by an enormous margin - and this precarious balance sheet is dangerous, because if the Fed goes bust, everyone loses [- including YOU. Let me explain why that is the case]. Words: 398

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Central Bank Gold Purchases up 17% – Here’s Why You Should Jump in or Top Up Too (+4K Views)

If central banks are preparing for a major change in the value of the dollar, shouldn’t we? The US dollar cannot and will not survive the ongoing abuse heaped upon it by government planners and federal officials. That not only means the gold price will rise, but that many, if not most currencies, will lose a significant amount of purchasing power. This has direct implications for all of us.

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Confessions of a Banking Insider: “It’s time to be very worried!” Here’s Why & How to Protect Yourself (+2K Views)

[In a recent] conversation about international banking and the state of the global financial system [with] a senior executive of a large international bank - the ultimate insider - I was floored by what he told me. [Here's what he had to say and, in his opinion,] what basic steps, taken now, will enable you to be one of the few people left standing should the house of cards collapse. Words: 465

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8 Key Dynamics Which Will Impact Us Over the Next 2-3 Years & Their Eventual Consequences (+2K Views)

Risk is inevitably mispriced when unprecedented intervention suppresses risk [and, as such, the] policies that appear to have been successful for the past four years may continue to appear successful for a year or two longer but that very success comes at a steep, and as yet unpaid, price in suppressed systemic risk, cost, and consequence. [This article identifies 8] key dynamics that will continue to play out over the next two to three years [and an] understanding of the eventual consequence of such influential trends - that risk is inevitably mispriced when unprecedented intervention suppresses risk. Words: 1299

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