Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: big banks

Big Banks Blatantly “Harvesting” Your Money! Got Physical Gold? (+3K Views)

When prices are set by companies that can profit by manipulating or rigging them, we’re screwed. This “harvesting” of our money in ever-more-creative and hard-to-detect ways is not just stealing by reaching a hand into our pocket and taking out money, but stealing in which banks can hit a few keystrokes and magically make whatever is in our pocket worth less. This is corruption at the molecular level of the economy - space age stealing - and it’s only just coming into view.

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Believe It Or Not: 147 Financial Institutions Control 40% of the Global Economy

Are the big banks really as powerful as some people say that they are? Do they really control the global economy? If you asked most people, they would tell you that governments control the global economy but the fact is that the campaigns of our politicians are funded by the ultra-wealthy, the big banks and the large corporations that they control. Others would tell you that the Federal Reserve and the rest of the central banks around the world control the global economy but the truth is that the Federal Reserve was established by the bankers and for the benefit of the bankers. As you will see below, at the very core of the global economy there exists a "super-entity" of financial institutions that control an almost unimaginable amount of wealth and power. These financial institutions, and the ultra-wealthy individuals behind them, are really the ones that are pulling all the strings.

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