Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: beta

Financial Terminology Deciphered (+2K Views)

"I have no idea what you are talking about!" If that is your expression when you [listen to the commentators and] look at figures and terms scrolling on CNBC or any other business or finance news channel, this article is specifically designed to suit your needs. Words: 782

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Options Are a Gold Bull’s Better Play Than Owning High Beta Miners – Here’s Why (2K Views)

Whilst it is true, more often than not, that mining stocks move in the same direction as gold [and historically outperform that of the physical metal based on their better beta statistics] there are periods where this relationship does not hold. That is one of the reasons we currently have no interest in trading or investing in mining stocks. Why form a bullish view on gold and buy mining stocks based on this view, only to see gold rise and mining stocks fall? [Instead,]... our preferred strategy to optimize and maximize potential profits... is using options that are directed based on the price of gold with no other factors influencing their performance. [Let us explain why.] Words: 1235

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What Should a Prudent Gold Investor Do Now?

We are in an environment where gold bugs boldly proclaim that gold is going to the moon, and gold bears strongly protest that gold is in a bubble. At such a heated stage, this article attempts to answer the question, “What is a prudent investor to do now?” Words: 575

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