Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: Baltic Dry Index

This Economic Recovery Is A Grand Illusion – Here Are 8 Reasons Why (+3K Views)

Is this economic recovery real? Well, if you base your observations on how far the Dow has risen since the financial crisis of 2008-2009, the answer would be a yes. However, if you do just a little cursory digging you will notice that this economic recovery is nothing but a grand illusion. The following 8 factors clearly prove that this recovery is not real.

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“Checkmate” Is Right Around the Corner For Stock Market & Economy – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Economically we are experiencing the birth pangs of the coming Great Depression and, as we get closer to the crisis that is looming on the horizon, they will become even more powerful. The warning signs are all there – we just have to be open to what they are telling us. This article identifies the many parallels between past economic downturns and what is happening right now.

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What Does the Baltic Dry Index Indicate For the Global Economy? (+2K Views)

The Baltic Dry Index is often looked at as a leading indicator of the global economy as higher shipping rates indicate stronger demand for shipping and healthier global trade. Year to date, the index is up 234% and is now at its highest level in more than three years (November 2010). This would indicate that the global economy is picking up steam.

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I'm Worried About the Likelihood of a Sharp Market Decline This Fall – For These Reasons

Back in April and May, it looked like the economy was falling apart, the euro was going to come unglued, and stocks were going to plunge. Sentiment was extremely bearish and volatility was jumping. Now in August, you can't find a bear anywhere on Wall Street! Me? I continue to be worried about the likelihood of a sharp market decline this fall for several reasons which I share with you below. Words: 495

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Why Did the Baltic Dry Index Collapse? Here's Why

The Baltic Dry Index is generally viewed as a leading indicator of global economic activity as dry bulk primarily consists of commodities such as building materials, coal, metallic ores and grain. My research, however, indicates that global manufacturing demand has very little to do with it but, rather, Chinese manufacturing demand - but not the actual level of manufacturing as measured by the CFLP Manufacturing PMI. [Let me explain.]

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