Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: American dream

Average American Can’t Afford To Own A House – Here’s Why (+3K Views)

Regular home buyers are wondering why they are unable to partake in the American Dream of owning a home now that they actually have to document their income and put some skin in the game. The reason is that the current median selling price of $201,000 puts real estate out of reach for most Americans earning the typical $50,000 a year unless they go into massive levels of debt. They are too broke to own a home!

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Piling On Debt Has Destroyed the “American Dream” – Here’s Why

The American Dream--characterized by plentiful jobs offering living wages, security and opportunities to get ahead--is over....Piling on debt is not a solution; it's simply a politically expedient method to forestall the crisis, while guaranteeing the eventual repricing will be even more severe because the debt load is then so much larger. If you think otherwise, I strongly recommend that you reduce your dosage of Delusionol.

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