Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: 401(k)s

Dire Implications for the +25% of American Workers Using Retirement Savings Accounts to Meet Current Expenses

More than 25% of American workers (33% of those in their 40s) with 401(k) and other retirement savings accounts use them to pay current expenses, new data show, [which is] undermining already shaky retirement security for millions of Americans. With federal policymakers eyeing cuts to Social Security benefits and Medicare to rein in soaring federal deficits, and traditional pensions in a long decline, retirement savings experts say the drain from the accounts has dire implications for future retirees. Words: 890

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Will U.S. Gov’t Eventually Mandate that ‘x’ % of IRA/401K Funds Be In Treasuries? (+2K Views)

The notion of government raiding personal retirement accounts for funds may seem extreme...but other governments have done it. Argentina did in 2008, Ireland has indicated it might [and the U.S. might well do so as it's] financial crisis worsens. This article puts forth reasons why it is possible they would undertake such a grab or 'confiscation' of your retirement accounts and how they likely would go about implementing such an event. Words: 700

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Gold Bullion or a ‘Guaranteed’ Retirement Account: Which Would You Rather Have in Your IRA or 401(k)? (+2K Views)

“If one believes that the deployment of Guaranteed Retirement Accounts are reasonably probable”, Blasi maintains that “then the remaining action item in such a scenario would be to coax the public into personally assuming the debt the rest of the world was refusing to accept,” and asks: “If the beliefs of many regarding activities conducted by ‘The President's Working Group on Financial Markets’ (Plunge Protection Team) are sound, could not this same entity be utilized for such theoretical events as those described? Frankly, the possibility that such an initiative might be needed to rescue the Treasury market does add an additional, and considerable, threat to the equity markets.” Words: 1052

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