Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: $12000 gold

Gold: 42 Specific Peak Price Predictions (+5K Views)

Over the years only 42 pundits have been bold enough to provide a specific date as to when their forecast for the future price of gold (and silver, in some cases) would be realized. This article provides that information along with the criteria & rationale for their determinations.

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Short the Dow & Go Long Gold – It’s the “Trade of the Decade”! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

At the beginning of a hyperinflationary cycle, the stock market virtually always makes substantial gains which is just reflecting the sheer weight of printed money...After the initial enthusiasm the stock market loses its lustre and falls in tandem with the economy into a deflationary depression. The U.S. is now slowly entering such a hyperinflationary phase. Here's what that means for the future price of gold.

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Goldrunner: Gold’s Extremely Bullish Backdrop Setting Stage for Run to $2,050, Then $2,400, Then $4,500 and Ultimately $10,000-12,000! (+2K Views)

Our subscription service provides detailed technical analysis of where the price of gold, silver and precious metal stocks are going short term (in the next week or two), intermediate term (within the next 3-6 months) and long term (the ultimate top) in each stage of their respective bull runs. This service comes with detailed charting based on conventional technical analysis and our proprietary fractal analysis based on the '70s. Below are some of our latest comments and rationale for expected price movements in gold without illustative charts which are only available to subscribers. Words: 1000

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