Monday , 3 June 2024

Search Results for: inflation deflation

No Fiscal Changes Coming Soon – or Ever – to U.S.! Here's Why

The ending in the U.S. will be similar to that in Greece. It is assured for the same reasons. The Democrats will lose the 2012 election...and the Republicans will control government for the next two years. Whatever enthusiasm initially exists will dissipate as soon as the polls show how unpopular austerity is. If they try to cut spending, they will suffer the same fate as the European Austerians. [Let me explain.] Words: 1116

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Bonds Are NOT a Safe Place to Be – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

For those who think bonds are a safe place to be, you might want to reconsider. In addition to rising sovereign risk (yes, for the U.S. as well as other countries), there is interest rate risk....[should you not] hold it to maturity. If interest rates rise, then the value of your bond falls (Bonds can produce capital gains/losses, just like stocks.) and the possibility of interest rates rising is pretty good. Words: 530

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U.S. Financial Crisis Makes Future Rioting In The Streets An Almost Certain Outcome! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

The U.S. government has put us between the proverbial 'rock and a hard place'. Cutting spending to improve our country's financial situation would surely trigger rioting in the streets by those Americans most adversely affected yet not cutting spending will trigger much higher inflation - even hyperinflation - which will also result in rioting....Government cannot control how this ends. They may be able to tinker with the timing a bit and they still have the choice of poisons with which to destroy the country, [but] that the country is gone, that is no longer alterable. Words: 930

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Kunstler: Wake up, Sleepyheads! Things are Heating Up

Europe may soon be choking on that plat du jour of government a la Hollandaise with the side of chopped Greek salad. The whole world, in fact, has got something like a giant hairball stuck in its craw. The hairball is composed of filaments of lies wound over a core of supernatural indebtedness. The lies are promises that the debt will be paid back. Words: 710

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Gold is Not in a Bubble – Here's Why

"Gold is in a bubble" is a comment that is usually made with little evidence to support this claim. Typically, the primary support is the fact that the Gold price has meaningfully risen over the last decade but citing a rising price is simply insufficient to draw such conclusions. [Let me explain.] Words: 534

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U.S Likely to Hit the Financial Wall by 2017! Here’s Why (+4K Views)

The deficits aren't going to stop anytime soon. The debt mountain will keep growing...Obviously, the debt can't keep growing faster than the economy forever, but the people in charge do seem determined to find out just how far they can push things....The only way for the politicians to buy time will be through price inflation, to reduce the real burden of the debt, and whether they admit it or not, inflation is what they will be praying for....[and] the Federal Reserve will hear their prayer. When will the economy reach the wall toward which it is headed? Not soon, I believe, but in the meantime there will be plenty of excitement. [Let me explain what I expect to unfold.] Words: 1833

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