Thursday , 17 October 2024


Gold Bullion or a ‘Guaranteed’ Retirement Account: Which Would You Rather Have in Your IRA or 401(k)? (+2K Views)

“If one believes that the deployment of Guaranteed Retirement Accounts are reasonably probable”, Blasi maintains that “then the remaining action item in such a scenario would be to coax the public into personally assuming the debt the rest of the world was refusing to accept,” and asks: “If the beliefs of many regarding activities conducted by ‘The President's Working Group on Financial Markets’ (Plunge Protection Team) are sound, could not this same entity be utilized for such theoretical events as those described? Frankly, the possibility that such an initiative might be needed to rescue the Treasury market does add an additional, and considerable, threat to the equity markets.” Words: 1052

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Is Your IRA or 401K a Target of Government Appropriation? (+3K Views)

Will the laws and rules in place to protect individuals in their attempt to set something aside for retirement be safeguarded by the representatives elected to advocate for them in Washington? Will the principles and moral integrity of the political class keep them from appropriating the trillions of dollars held in 401k's and IRA's? I'm not so sure! Words: 1207

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Americans: Pull Your Heads Out of the Sand Before It's Too Late!

A demographic stampede is about to pulverize American society. Eighty million retirees—the baby boom generation—are rapidly heading into their retirement years and, according to a recent survey, Americans have less money than ever. Being so unprepared can only mean a very unhappy "retirement" unless they pull their heads out of the sand and do something about it before it is too late. Words: 807

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How Not to Outlive Your Nest Egg (+3K Views)

Determine whether you have the time, discipline, and emotional make-up to handle your own finances. Most people think they can succeed on their own, much like the vast majority of people think they are above average drivers. The data shows a different fact pattern. An 18 year study compiled by legendary Vanguard Group founder, John Bogle has shown that the average investor gets destroyed not only by fees, taxes and transactions costs, but also more importantly due to emotional errors and lack of investing discipline. Words: 847

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