Central banking makes it possible for the government to expand the money supply by any amount, at any time deemed necessary and once (hyper)inflation is publicly seen as being the lesser evil of all options available for the government meeting its debt service, it cannot be dismissed out of hand that (hyper)inflation would be the consequence of an unsustainable debt-to-GDP ratio.
Read More »The U.S. Should Relinquish Reserve Status for its Dollar – Here’s Why (+7K Views)
Conspiracy theory notwithstanding, claims that the reserve status of the U.S. dollar unfairly benefits the U.S. are no longer true. On the contrary, it has become a burden, both for America and the world. [Let me explain.] Words: 825
Read More »Hyperinflation Highly Unlikely In U.S. & U.K. – Here’s Why (+5K Views)
Without pricing power or a large fiscal deficit and large foreign currency demands, it simply isn’t credible to claim that hyperinflation in the U.S. or the U.K. is in the offing now or anytime in the immediate future.
Read More »How Much Time Before “The 7 Bubbles of America” Start to Burst? (+4K Views)
History has shown us that all financial bubbles eventually burst. It is not a question of "if" they will burst. It is only a question of "when" and when the 7 current financial bubbles in America burst, the pain is going to be absolutely enormous. That being said, how much time do you believe that we have before these bubbles start to burst?
Read More »Don’t Ignore the Coming Financial Storm – It IS Coming and Here’s How to Get Prepared (+4K Views)
Many people refer to me as a “doom and gloomer” because I run a website called “The Economic Collapse”. [Just because] I am constantly pointing out that the entire world is heading for a complete and total financial nightmare, [however,] I don’t think that it does any good to stick your head in the sand. I believe that there is hope in understanding what is happening and I believe that there is hope in getting prepared. [This article does just that.] Words: 2432
Read More »Your House: A Home, An Investment or a Ponzi Scheme? (5K Views)
In the past few decades, the concept of home ownership has been completely turned on its head. Previously, homes were considered a very long-term consumption good...[No one] ever considered tripling the value of their homes by retirement time and selling them to move beachside yet, somehow along the way, this became a reasonable investment expectation. Even today, home buyers still make their purchases with the hopes of escalating prices. [It begs answers to these questions: Is a house just a home? Should a house be expected to behave like an investment? Is the housing game nothing more than a Ponzi scheme where the end buyer before the market corrects becomes the "greater fool"? Let's try and answer those questions.] Words: 935
Read More »The “Low Inflation” Myth (+4K Views)
I will prove in this piece, the people who believe in the “low inflation” myth are being fooled by the fact that inflation in this unusual, central bank-driven economic cycle is concentrated in asset prices rather than in consumer prices...
Read More »Inflation Is Back – Hyperinflation Is Coming – And It Will Have An Explosive Effect On the Price of Gold & Silver! (+4K Reads)
It now looks that inflationary pressures are starting in earnest...In the last two years, inflation has gone from 0% to 2.5% which is a 5-year high...and could easily reach 10% in the next couple of years and ultimately a lot higher as inflation turns into hyperinflation. That will have an explosive effect on metal prices.
Read More »Almost 3.8 Million Views – and Counting! Why U.S. Debt & Budget Will NEVER Balance (+5K Views)
This short video - on the sustainability of government spending - should be watched by everyone, including those not yet old enough to vote. It should be shown in every high school and college classroom.
Read More »Currencies Come – and Go: A History (+5K Views)
History clearly shows that when it comes to currencies black swans do happen as the average lifespan of a currency is just 27 years. As such, investors should study currency history and, as part of a smart portfolio, they should protect their hard earned wealth and savings in a defensive fashion. The infographic below documents the history of currency in 10 different countries of significance.
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