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Monthly Archives: March 2012

James Turk: Here’s the Real Reason the Gov’t Confiscated Gold in 1933 (+2K Views)

FDR confiscated American’s gold for the same reason Lenin confiscated it in Russia and Hitler confiscated it in Germany, namely, to get it out of the hands of the people. [That view is contrary to the prevailing belief that such was done] to re-establish confidence in the dollar. [Let me explain the background of this confiscation and my rationale for coming to such a conclusion.] Words: 815

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Busy? Then You Might Have Missed These Top 10 Articles of the Week

We all live extremely busy lives and often fail to keep up with the most informative articles posted on the internet. searches the internet for such articles out there and posts the best of the best in an edited and abridged format each and every day for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. Below are links, with introductory paragraphs, to the 10 most popular for this past week in descending order. You're busy so save time by just reading those that interest you most and Sign-up for Automatic Receipt of Articles as they get posted on - Your Key to Making Money! Words: 1150

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Greek Fiscal Irresponsibility Is No Surprise! Here's Why

Is it a coincidence that Greece, a country with a 40% smoking rate, has dug itself into such a financial mess? What is fiscal irresponsibility, if not an unwillingness to deal with discomfort today in exchange for future financial health? [Let me explain why an analogy to a country's addiction to smoking is so appropriate when considering the Greeks' attitude to their country's sovereign debt woes.] Words: 650

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Health of World’s Monetary System Moving Into Terminal Stage! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

The time is now fast approaching when all debt will be defaulted on...A debtor's default will impact the creditor (who is usually also a debtor to yet other creditors), causing him to default, and so on. When this begins in earnest, it will wipe out the banking system and thus everyone's "money." The paper currencies will not survive this. We are seeing the early edges of it now in the euro, and it's anyone's guess when it will happen in Japan, though it seems long overdue already. Last of all, it will come to the USA. The purpose of this article is to present the early-warning signal and explain the actual mechanism to these events. Words: 1386

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