Thursday , 26 December 2024

U.S. Census Bureau Provides This Unique Look Inside America's Economic Machine

Every now and then, US taxpayer money goes for something useful and surprisingly informative such as this infographic from the US Census Bureau deconstructing the “American Economic Machine”…The graphic cites facts dealing with manufacturing, services, retail trade, construction, government and much more as seen through the numerous economic programs and surveys conducted by the Census Bureau.

So says Tyler Durden ( regarding the infographic presented below which is brought to you courtesy of Lorimer Wilson, editor of (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds) and (Your Key to Making Money!). This paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.


Inside Americas Economic infographic image [Source: U.S. Census Bureau]

* and

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Additional Facts:

1. Fact #1: Revenue Does Not Cover Core US Programs

2. Fact #2: The U.S. Has the Highest Corporate Tax Rate in the World

3. Fact #3: Overspending on Education in U.S. Doesn’t Buy Genius

4. Fact #4 from Twice the Time Now Spent in Traffic Congestion vs. 2010

5. Fact #5: 44% of Jobless Are Unemployed Longer Than 6 Months!

6. Fact #6: America – A Super Rich Country With Supersized Hunger Pangs and Supersized Waste

7. Fact #7: U.S. Owes $Trillions to Other Countries – and to Its Citizens!

8. Face the Facts #8: U.S. Military Spends 58% of Total Spent By World’s Top 10 Military Powers