Saturday , 11 January 2025

This Week's Best Financial Articles From

There are hundreds of sites that post economic, financial and investment articles but, unfortunately, most of them are all about quantity rather than quality. If you are tired of spending hours each week surfing the net or even visiting your up-to-now favorite financial site looking for articles that are extremely informative, relatively brief and very well-written then go no further than Words: 1367

Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!) searches for articles of substance and then presents them in an edited and abridged fashion to provide the reader with a fast and easy read. Also of major merit is the “Related Articles” section that provides titles, introductory paragraphs and hyperlinks to additional articles for further insights into the topic at hand.

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Below are introductory paragraphs and links to the articles posted on munKNEE over the past 7 days:

1. We Have Reached the End of the Road and are Staring into the Abyss! Got Gold?


With most of the world’s major economies as well as the financial system bankrupt…most people will rely on governments and central banks to save us but how can anyone possibly believe that totally incompetent and clueless politicians and central bankers could solve the problem they created in the first place… The main objective of governments is to stay in power and thus to buy votes, therefore they are incapable of taking the right decisions and the opposition, aspiring to power, is even less suitable since they will lie through their teeth and promise the earth in order to be elected. So what is the solution? Read on! Words: 2391 (December 9th, 2011)

2. A Look Again At Why Gold is Falling – and What Actions You Should Take

As I see it, worsening financial crises lead initially to lower gold prices which are followed by some form of government intervention to alleviate the crises and that action, in turn, eventually results in renewed appreciation in the price of gold. The basic steps in such a transition are really quite straightforward. Let me explain. Words: 686 (December 8th, 2011)

3. Deja Vu? Is Gold Just in a Correcting Phase on Its Way to Parabolic Peak of $4,294?

The current volatility in the precious metals market doesn’t necessarily indicate a change in secular direction. [In fact,] if today’s gold price was to rise by the same degree over the next 14 months [as it did from the beginning of 1979 into 1980, it would hit $4294/ozt. by Jan 2013! Let me explain.] Words: 420 (December 8th, 2011)
Early this year we suggested a 50% rise in Gold to $1860 – $1,920 into mid-year. Now, we see the Gold tsunami realizing an approximate 100% rise that will crest at $3,000+ into the middle of 2012, drowning any doubters in its wake. Below are a number of factors that support that view. Words: 1250 (December 7th, 2011)

5. Gold & Silver Warrants: An Insider’s Insights

With a tsunami of interest in the future prospects of gold and silver mining companies (and their stock prices as a result) I have been asked to publish an updated version of my one-of-a-kind proprietary index of commodity-related companies with long-term warrants (CCWI) and its sub-category of just gold and silver companies with long-term warrants (GSWI). This article gives you some insights into the ‘secret world’ of warrants and slices and dices the make-up of both indices identifying the constituents of each for your edification. Words: 1184 (December 5th, 2011)

6. SILVER is Ready for Take Off! These 7 Charts Show Why

Silver Bars
After a very turbulent year, silver now looks set to take off again. The best entry point of the last 5 years was in 2008… and currently we are in a similar situation, which means that silver…is ready for take-off. In this article I will tell you why I think [that is the case illustrating my views with the use of 7 charts. Words: 1200 (December 5th, 2011)

7. New Boom-bust Cycle Risks Hyperinflationary Depression and Much Higher Gold Price – Here’s Why


It is my view that the world has entered a new boom-bust cycle driven by oil prices. Oscillating oil prices – as opposed to credit cycles – will repeatedly stimulate and crash the highly levered global economy. Governments have not recognized this new cycle, and as part of a fruitless effort to retain control over deteriorating real growth and rising unemployment central banks will print more and more money, risking a hyperinflationary depression (stagflation at best). [As such,] the only respite for many investors is gold. [Let me explain.] Words: 925 (December 4th, 2011)

8. Which is a Better Long-term Value – Current House Prices or Current Price of Gold?

When real estate is “cheap” and gold is “expensive”, relative to their long-term averages and each other, real estate is likely to powerfully outperform gold as an investment and inflation hedge over the long term, all else being equal. [That being said, however,] what exactly is “cheap” and what is “expensive”? Answering that question is where the Gold / Housing ratio comes into play. [Let’s take a look at it and determine whether gold or real estate is a buy at the current time.] Words: 3516 (December 3rd, 2011)
History has shown that investors who stick to disciplined, fundamental-focused strategies give themselves a good chance of beating the market over the long haul and one of the investment gurus who has compiled the most data on that topic is James O’Shaughnessy, whose book What Works on Wall Street became something of a bible for investment strategies when it was released 15 years ago. Now, O’Shaughnessy has released an updated version of his book, with a plethora of new data on various investment strategies. Using data that stretches back to before the Great Depression in some cases, O’Shaughnessy back-tests numerous strategies, and comes to some very intriguing conclusions. [Let me share some of them with you.] Words: 1345
[I am surprised at the large number of] investment professionals who confuse risk and volatility… regularly and thoroughly confusing these two concepts to the point where the terms are treated as being virtually synonymous. This has resulted in the flawed investment principle that reducing volatility will (and must) reduce risk. Such thinking is deeply misguided, and following it has dire consequences for investors. [Let me explain more about what risk and volatility are and are not.] Words: 1100


Considering the fact that you can fool some of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time, is it any wonder millions, both through the Tea Party demonstrations and now the Occupy Wall Street Movement across the country and elsewhere around the world, are protesting the abysmal scourge that fiat currency has brought upon us as a result of that fateful day back on July 25th, 1965. To appreciate the significance of that historic day we must fully understand what fiat currency is and why such a concept is about to implode and this article does just that. Words: 1372

12. Underpaid? Here’s How to Find Out

dollar sign

Ever look around the office and wonder if your colleagues make more money than you? What about the competition next door — are those employees bringing home…[more than you for comparable work]? Instead of wondering if the grass is greener and the paycheques are bigger…[elsewhere], maybe it’s time to find out if you’re underpaid. With a large number of online salary tools available — and a little leg work — you could land a pay raise or a better paying job before the new year. [Here’s how.] Words: 897 is for sale!

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