Friday , 20 September 2024

Tag Archives: yields

Don’t Abandon Stocks In Spite Of Ongoing Volatility – Here’s Why

Stocks rallied through May this year mostly on expectations of continued easy money from the Federal Reserve but after the Fed indicated last week that tapering could begin as early as this fall, coupled with concerns about Chinese growth, stocks sharply reversed course and Treasury yields spiked. I expect market volatility to last through the summer as investors remain uncertain about the future of monetary policy and the strength of the global recovery. That said, I wouldn’t advocate abandoning stocks. Here's 3 reasons why.

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This New 'Peak Fear' Indicator Gives You an Investment Edge

We are at a major crossroads in the equity and bond markets. We could see a major 'risk-on' rally in the S&P 500 BUT if no equity rally ensues, and U.S. Treasury note yields keep falling, then something terrible is about to strike at the heart of the global capital markets.... [As such, it is imperative that you keep a close eye on this new 'Peak Price' indicator. Let me explain.] Words: 450

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