Thursday , 25 April 2024

Tag Archives: reserve currency

We Are On the Precipice of Enormous Financial & Economic Change (+3K Views)

We are on the precipice of enormous financial and economic change. It is not change for the good, especially for the United States. Excesses and mis-allocated resources of several generations are about to be exposed as modern industrial nations sink deeper into the economic hole they have dug for themselves. The purging of these economic mistakes will be painful, could create new wars as politicians attempt to deflect blame and may end up changing the political form of government in some countries. (Words: 364; Charts: 1)

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Larry Edelson: "I'm Deeply Worried About the U.S. Dollar" – Here's Why

The disaster in Europe should be pushing the U.S. dollar up more than it is but it’s not, and that has me deeply worried. [I'm] worried that the next leg of the dollar’s decline may be right around the corner; worried that the loss of the dollar’s reserve-currency status could occur more quickly than even I had expected and worried that the “X&@!” may soon hit the fan, across the entire globe. [Let me explain.] Words: 600

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2012: The Beginning of the END for the U.S. "Petrodollar"! (+8K Views)

A major portion of the U.S. dollar's valuation stems from its lock on the oil industry and if it loses its position as the global reserve currency the value of the dollar will decline and gold will rise. Iran's migration to a non-dollar based international trade system is the testing of the waters of a non-USD regime...transition to a world in which the U.S. Dollar suddenly finds itself irrelvant. [Let me explain.] Words: 1200

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$10,000 Gold is Coming in 2012/13! Here’s Why (+4K Views)

I am increasingly confident that the consequences of fragile sovereign debt, precious metals market manipulation, insufficient physical supply, and the need for a safe haven investment refuge, will contribute to rampant price inflation and drive precious metals bullion and mining stock to a parabolic peak price of $10,000 sometime in 2012 or 2013 at the latest. You may think my …

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Eric Sprott: Financial Train Wreck Coming Soon! Got Gold? Better Yet, Got Silver? (+2K Views)

We have a financial system that's on the edge of a cliff here. People have to be in precious metals if they want to protect themselves. Everyone who's an investor has money. They have it invested in some paper instrument and when they realise they have a problem with their money in a bank or owning some government note the demand for gold could just be overwhelming! It could be parabolic all of a sudden. Currently, only o.75% of the world's financial assets are in gold so just imagine what a 5% to 10% interest in gold would mean for its price. On top of that, I believe that silver will get back into a 16:1 ratio to gold in three to five years for sure so that means that silver is going to have a great upside potential. Got gold? Better yet, got silver? Words: 5169

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