Saturday , 26 October 2024

Tag Archives: QE2

Get Informed: 4 QE Myths Debunked

The Fed continues to assert that its Quantitative Easing bond purchases will boost economic growth by lowering borrowing costs for businesses and consumers but the evidence shows that QE bond purchases have actually coincided with increases in long-term interest rates.

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QE4 Will Continue Until "The Cows Come Home & the Fat Lady Sings" But It Too Will Fail!

[The just announced] QE4 will see the Fed buying $85B per month in U.S. Tbonds and Fanny/Freddie bonds with newly printed dollars - essentially debasing the dollar by 1 $trillion per year. The cold reality, however, is that each time QE is launched we get less wealth-effect bang for the buck and more inflation and, IMO, by the time it's switched off in mid-2014, we will have a real-world inflation rate of 5%+. (Words: 863; Charts: 2)

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What Does QE Really Do – and NOT Do?

[As you know earlier] this week the Federal Reserve...promised to keep short-term interest rates low through late 2014 ... up from a previous pledge of 2013. Not only that, the Fed also said it would continue with its "Operation Twist" policy of selling shorter-term Treasuries and buying longer-term ones. The goal [is to] hold down long-term interest rates but what does QE really do - and not do? [Let me explain.] Words: 500

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Buy Gold NOW Ahead of Further QE – Here's Why

Due to high unemployment and a weak recovery world central bankers are focused on weakening their currencies to boost exports. [As such,] I think [even more] quantitative easing and other currency intervention is in our future...[and this will further increase]...both inflation and the price of gold. Let me explain with a few charts.] Words: 350

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Coming "Crisis of Faith" in Fed Will Make '08 Look Like a Picnic!

The next crisis will be a Crisis of Faith pertaining to the US Federal Reserve... when the market begins to realize that the Fed CANNOT backstop the entire financial system (it never could but most people hoped regardless) - and...when this happens, THEN the REAL crisis will hit and it will make 2008 look like a picnic. Bernanke has [already] admitted publicly that he’s clueless [as to] what’s going on [and this] is a MAJOR step towards the world realizing that he’s lost control. [As such,] if you’re not taking steps now to prepare for what’s coming, you need to start moving. [The REAL crisis is coming - soon! Let me explain.] Words: 1018

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U.S. Financial System is a Shell Game, a Confidence Trick, a Ponzi Scheme, Which Will Eventually Collapse! (+2K Views)

Every single day the U.S. economy is getting weaker. Every single day we are going into more debt. Every single day we get closer to the collapse of the entire system but time is running out. The entire U.S. financial system has become a gigantic shell game (a confidence trick to perpetrate fraud) but when it ends the consequences can be painful and, sadly, that [pain is eventually going to be ours to experience. Let me explain.] Words: 1483

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“Financial Repression” May Soon Become Our Worst Nightmare! Here's Why

A new financial policy initiative known by the label “Financial Repression” may soon become our worst nightmare. ‘Repression’ rhymes with ‘depression’ which could be what we have to look forward to as rampant price inflation and permanently lower living standards take hold. Get ready to be conscripted into a citizen army assembled for the greater cause of saving the nation from being swamped by a tsunami of debt. Let me explain. Words: 1585

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Global Systemic Crisis Coming THIS Summer!

This summer will confirm that the US Federal Reserve has lost its bet: the U.S. economy has, in fact, never left the "Very Great Depression" which it entered in 2008 despite the trillions of dollars injected... Unable to launch a QE3, the Fed will helplessly watch interest rates rise, US government deficit costs explode, the world dive into an intensified economic recession, stock exchanges collapse and the U.S. dollar show erratic behavior before suddenly losing 30% of its value. Words: 1157

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Stock Market is Due for a 15-20% Correction – Here's Why

Corporate America has been flying high since the recession, barely looking back since March 2009. The 70% rally in the S&P 500 in just under 2 years has been astounding to say the least - but are we really in 70% better shape as a nation since March 2009? No way! The dollar has continued to decrease in value, investments that feed off fear like gold and silver have soared....housing prices are still as low as in 2009, when they "crashed." The signs of a major market correction...[are] right in front of us... no one seems to notice [but I do]. I believe we could soon experience a market correction of from 15% to 20%. Let me explain why. Words: 913

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Inflation Coming? Treasury Market Says Otherwise!

The Federal Reserve’s dual quantitative easing exercises...have been disappointing thus far and, according to what the multi-billion dollar Treasury market is telling us, the numerous forecasts of upcoming inflationary pressures just do NOT exist. [Let me explain.] Words: 571

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