Saturday , 21 December 2024

Tag Archives: money printing

QE4: An Early Christmas Present For Most Investors – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

One couldn't imagine any better Christmas gift for hard assets and stocks than Ben Bernanke's surprise introduction of QE4 right on the heels of QE3. Call the duo QE7. "QE7" promises to expand the monetary base far faster than the markets had been discounting [which is great for gold] and also raises the floor under stocks. I suspect we'll close 2012 with a run at the highs, and possibly climb just short of 1,600 on the S&P 500 sometime in Q1. As for Treasury bonds, well, could this spell the end of the bond market? [Let's look at the ramifications of QE4 more closely.] Words: 516

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Take Note: Don’t Say You Weren’t Forewarned! (+3K Views)

It is relatively easy to predict further commodity price inflation as a result of the massive money printing going on worldwide and that hard assets, not paper assets, will help protect purchasing power but it is much more difficult to project where else this money printing leads and to what extent a crash is inevitable. What is the endgame? Will it be another financial crash such as in 2008 or will it be a more destructive financial and economic crash that causes a severe but temporary disruption in the delivery of goods and services? Words: 1470

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Gold Should Be At $4,666 These Days – Here's Why

Since the Financial Crisis erupted in 2007, the US Federal Reserve has engaged in dozens of interventions/ bailouts to try and prop up the financial system...and the amount of money printed is absolutely staggering. As a result of this, inflation hedges, particularly Gold, have been soaring...[but] for gold, for example, to hit a new all time high adjusted for inflation, it would have to clear at least $2,193 per ounce. If you go by 1970 dollars (when gold started its last bull market) it would have to hit $4,666 per ounce. Words: 581

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This Chart Proves That Your Currency Is Being Debauched At An Accelerating (Parabolic) Rate! Got Gold?

[According to the chart in this article,] all currencies are being debauched. The price of gold in each currency approximates a parabola, meaning the use of printing presses is accelerating. Each unit of currency is losing purchasing power at an increasing rate. The trend points to a worldwide currency collapse unless the creation of money stops. [Take a look!]. Words: 282

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Rick Rule: The Fed is Now "Pushing On a String"

Austrian economists have been predicting for years and years that eventually the Fed would be pushing on a string as they put more liquidity into a market that couldn’t absorb it. That may be what’s happening now. It will be very interesting to watch this development going forward.

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We've Reached the Tipping Point: Are Consumers Prepared to Save the Day?

Injecting massive amounts of liquidity into the banking system can spur dramatic economic growth if that liquidity is used. On the other hand, if public perception is negative and fearful, that liquidity remains untapped and no growth occurs. We are in a new earnings season and for the most part - based on lowered expectations - the numbers are looking OK so what should we expect based on these modestly improving numbers? Words: 2176

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This Is What "Falling Off The Fiscal Cliff" Really Means – and It is DIRE!

We all know that high debt is a growth killer and, at the moment, the U.S. has a budget deficit of about $1 trillion. That's a very big number...The question is, at what point do countries have to deal with high debt levels? How high do debt levels have to be before one has to deal with the problem by lowering budget deficits? Also, what are the consequences of such debt and budget reductions? Words: 500

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Egon von Greyerz: Gold & Silver Off to the Races – to $4,500+ & $100+ Each – Here’s Why (+3K Views)

The closing of the gold window back in August 1971 has led governments worldwide to create endless amounts of worthless paper money and the resulting credit bubble has created a world debt exposure of over US$ 1 quadrillion (including derivatives). It has also created perceived wealth for big parts of the world's population - a wealth which is only backed by promises to pay and by grossly inflated assets. Few people realise that this wealth is totally illusory and will implode considerably faster than the time it took to create it. [Let me explain.] Words: 890

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QE 3 Will Actually SUPPRESS the Economy! Here's Why

The Fed professes that QE 3 or as I call it, QE Infinity (QEI), will create jobs but I am not sure how they can expect anybody to buy their rationale. As we know, QE 1 and QE 2 did very little in the way of creating jobs. Might the Fed realize that QE Infinity could actually be counter-productive to economic growth?

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